Osmanthus Fragrans Var. Aurantiacus 金木犀(キンモクセイ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Most flowers caught my eye with their color or appearance but osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus with its scent😊
 Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus 金木犀

Smells sweet 甘い香り

Almost in full bloom ほぼ満開
Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus always reminds me of my grandma, who loved this flower. She was 5.3 feet, very tall for Japanese women at that time and maybe therefore almost gave up marrying.... One day she was introduced to a man in arranged marriage, and after meeting him in person, she asked others for their opinions.

Most of them talked her out of marrying him (I do now know why), but according to her, because everyone was against her marriage to him, she decided otherwise. That man, who was shorter than she was and wore strong thick glasses, was her future husband, i.e., my grandpa... If she were still alive, I would ask her why she married to him despite others' oppositions... 

They both are already gone, but left four children including the first-born boy, who died before becoming two years old due to malnutrition, and one resulting problem behind, that is, a man who was too spoiled because of his elder brother's too early death and therefore had no will to do any household work... Yes, that's my father🤣!!

No worries. Tamed by his tiger wife, my dad is now a new man, washing dishes every day😆

Getting back to the original topic, osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus trees in Japan are all male...

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金木犀といえば思い出すのは、金木犀が大好きだった亡き祖母です。大女(160センチほど)とからかわれ、結婚をあきらめていたところ、ある男性(祖父)を紹介され、本人曰く「周りが反対したから」結婚したそうです。祖父はド近眼のビン底眼鏡。。。 今祖母がいたら、なぜ周りに反対されたのに結婚したのかを聞きたいです。




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