Water Droplets💧 and Pokeweed After Typhoon 台風の後 - 雫💧と洋種山牛蒡

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

It's been a week since I last enjoyed an early morning walk due to on and off rain brought by a typhoon...

Water droplets on leaves 雨上がりの葉っぱ

Pokeweed 洋種山牛蒡

These water droplets told me how hard it had rained and the dark red pokeweed berries announced the arrival of autumn, but at home I found that I couldn't be so happy about pokeweed. According to Wikipedia, "pokeweed is poisonous to humans, dogs, and livestock. In early spring, shoots and leaves (not the root) are edible with proper cooking, but they later become deadly, and the berries are also poisonous." Umm... Part of the plant is deadly poisonous😱

They looked like blueberries and yummy, so I thought I should try eating them. Ignorance can be a matter of life or death...

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雨上がりの水滴と洋種山牛蒡です。台風のせいで1週間ぶりに早朝ウォーキングして帰ってきてググってびっくり😲 この実、猛毒を含んでいるそうです。ブルーベリーみたいでおいしそうでしょ。なので今度食べてみようかな、と思っていたんですがバカでした😱。。。

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