Tibouchina Urvilleana 'Cote d'Azur' or Glory Bush 紫紺野牡丹(シコンノボタン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I stopped to observe the beauty of this flower. It was deep purple, creating a beautiful contrast with its deep green leaves. 

Tibouchina urvilleana 'Cote d'Azur' 
紫紺野牡丹(シコンノボタン) コートダジュール

It's called also "glory bush" 別名 グローリー ブッシュ

And "Brazilian spider flower" - hairy!
別名2 ブラジリアン スパイダーフラワー  毛深い!

I like this flower for the color and another reason - it's hairy!! Tibouchina urvilleana has long stamens and their color depends on the type. The ones I saw have white stamens, so they are not just Tibouchina urvilleana, but Tibouchina urvilleana 'Cote d'Azur.'

It's called as "glory bush" and "Brazilian spider flower" as well and in Japanese "purple and navy peony" because it's as pretty as a peony, though it doesn't look like that and I couldn't find any information suggesting that Tibouchina urvilleana is in the peony family.

Sometimes, the sloppy naming of this kind in Japanese irritates me...😅 

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紫紺野牡丹(シコンノボタン) コートダジュール。色とひげ(雄しべ)がきれいです。

ただ名前、長過ぎませんか? 雄しべが白いので「シコンノボタン コートダジュール」というそうですが、そこまで厳密に区別しながら、花自体は牡丹ではない(多分)。。。 牡丹みたいにきれいだから「紫紺野牡丹」だそうです。 


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