Fruits of Japanese Camellia and Japanese Snowbell ツバキとエゴノキの実

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've often seen fruits recently. Do you know what they are?
It's not an apple! リンゴじゃありません!

But look like apples from a distance... 遠くからだとリンゴ。。。

They are camellia fruits, which really surprised me. I didn't know that Japanese camellia bears such pretty fruits. The next question is below. Do you know what these fruits are? 

Their shape is like cherries 形はサクランボ

Is autumn coming? 秋の気配?

These are fruits of styrax japonica or Japanese snowbell, a pretty name, isn't it? But it's not like that in Japanese. Japanese snowbell is called "Egonoki," meaning "egui tree" or "acrid tree" after its taste. And it's actually not only acrid but also poisonous....😱 Japanese snowbell is another example of "Don't be fooled by the appearance" plants....

"Egui" originally means only acrid, but has changed to have various meanings, such as terrible, gross, and even ewww... People change and words change, too.... 

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緑のちっちゃいのはエゴノキの実。名前の由来は実の味が「えぐい」からだそうです。英語では「Japanese snowbell」。英語の方が圧倒的にカワイイ!でも実の味はえぐく、有毒だそうです。人、じゃなくて植物も見かけによりません😱

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