Confederate Rose (Hibiscus Mutabilis Cv. Versicolor) スイフヨウ(酔芙蓉)


These are Confederate roses (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. versicolor). They're different from usual ones (Hibiscus mutabilis). The former Confederate rose, which is double flowered, produces white flowers in the morning, turns pink in the afternoon and then dark pink in the following morning (3rd photo), and withers away. Because of such a color change, the Confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. versicolor) is called "Drunken Confederate rose" in Japan. My next mission is to go there in the afternoon to see the flowers in pink

Confederate rose (Hibiscus mutabilis cv. versicolor) スイフヨウ(酔芙蓉)

With a common straight swift イチモンジセセリと一緒

Before withering away 萎む前

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スイフヨウ(酔芙蓉)です。「芙蓉」というと日本的ですが、英語の学名は Hibiscus mutabilis cv. versicolor。そう、ハイビスカス。確かにハイビスカスに似ています。朝咲いた時は真っ白、お昼ごろからピンクに、翌朝には濃いピンクになって萎むので、芙蓉と言うそうです。今度、夕方に行って、酔っ払った酔芙蓉を見てきます。

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