Small Branded Swift on Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Anceps) 一文字セセリとミソハギ(禊萩)


A small branded swift (Pelopidas mathias) landed on a purple loosestrife when I was photographing the flower. Lythrum (or more specifically Lythrum salicaria) is designated as an invasive species in some countries but Lythrum anceps is a special flower often placed on the family grave during the Obon period (mid-July or mid-August depending on areas) in Japan. 

@himeoo1827 commented on 7/8/20204 that the butterfly is not a common straight swift but a small branded swift, which I confirmed correct.

A small branded swift on loosestrife チャバネセセリ(茶羽挵)とミソハギ(禊萩)

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7/8/20204 @himeoo1827さんにコメントいただき、このチョウは一文字セセリではなく、チャバネセセリ(茶羽挵)であることが判明しました。ここに訂正いたします。

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