REAL Chinese Trumpet Vine (Campsis Grandiflora) ホントのノウゼンカズラ(凌霄花)


I knew unconsciously something was different, but I just disregarded it. Then today, I had the same feeling again, so took pictures of the flowers and did research. These are authentic Chinese trumpet vines (Campsis grandiflora), not trumpet vines native to North America (Campsis radicans), which, I thought to be, the Chinese ones.

Chinese and American trumpet vine flowers resemble each other very much, i.e., both are orange, shaped like trumpets, but are still distinctly different in the length of the flower tube. American trumpet vines have longer and thinner flower tubes than the Chinese counterparts. 

If you feel something is wrong, you should trust your senses. Otherwise, it would take more than a year to appreciate differences like me to realize the difference between American and Chinese trumpet vines😅 

Authentic Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandiflora) ホントのノウゼンカズラ(凌霄花)

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