Parnara Guttata on a Hypericum flower オトギリソウの上に一文字挵(イチモンジセセリ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I thought at first that was a moth, but its wings were closed, which is a usual characteristic of butterflies. I googled and found it was a Parnara guttata or more commonly a common straight swift on a flower of Hypericum erectum. The butterfly's cute big eyes look like squirrels'!!

But the plant's Japanese name "otogiriso" more attracted my attention, which means "plant killing younger brother"😱. According to Wikipedia, the plant was named after Japanese folklore about a man killing his younger brother leaking the secret of his medicine made using the plant. As the folklore suggests, in Japan, the stems and leaves of Hypericum erectum were used as folk medicine to stop bleeding and for other purposes.   

Parnara Guttata on a Hypericum flower 弟切草の上に一文字挵

A common straight swift on a Hypericum

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それより驚いたのが花の名前です。弟切草~😱 Wikipedia によると、弟切草を原料とする薬の秘密を漏らした弟を兄が殺したという伝説からきたとのこと。それにしてもそれを花の名前にするか~?怖すぎです。伝説通り、茎や葉は止血などの民間薬として使われていたそうです。

(Google アカウントを持ってない方は、コメント記入後に「Google アカウント」をクリックし、「匿名」か「名前/URL」を選択してからご記入ください!)

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