Kawaii Transformer Rats ネズミの変身!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wrote about Christmas trees made of mini Santa rats in the Tokyo International Forum a few weeks ago. These trees were made of dolls of rats, the Japanese zodiac sign for Year 2020. They are so cute with Santa Clause outfits.

Santa rats

Santa rats wearing Santa Clause outfits

However, look at the rats in the photos below!!! Can you see them changing? They have changed their outfits and ornaments on December 25 to welcome New Year.

New Year rats

Rats with New Year ornaments

This transformation, which materializes the spirit of "mottainai (i.e., waste nothing)," is so funny and made me smile!

12月26日の帰り道、「サンタネズミ」が「干支ネズミ」に変身しているのを発見!お着換えまでしていてびっくりしました。もったいない精神の究極とでも言いましょうか。。。 しかも面白い!カワイイお着換えに思わずクスリとしてしまいました。

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