Baby Achenes of Clematis Terniflora (Sweet Autumn Clematis) 仙人草(センニンソウ)の赤ちゃん痩果

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Do you know what they are? If not, see the third photo😀. 

These are achenes of Clematis terniflora or sweet autumn clematis. I saw the achenes surrounded by feather like white long tails in early November (after which its Japanese name is given), but these baby achenes are so cute! Its Japanese name is "sennin so (meaning hermit plant)," given after a hermit's beard-like long white tails. If you're interested in such beard-like long white tails, read this post

The third photo was taken on the same day. Clematis are supposed to flower from July to September, but these clematis have flowers and achenes both at the same time.   

Achenes of Clematis terniflora 仙人草の痩果

Sweet autumn clematis センニンソウ

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1枚目、何か分かりますか。分からない方は3枚目をご覧ください😀 そう、仙人草(センニンソウ)の赤ちゃん痩果です。11月におひげいっぱいの痩果について書いたのですが、赤ちゃん痩果、可愛くありませんか!


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