Money Matters - No.1

Money doesn’t matter, said Keiko’s parents. They also said that when they got sick they would depend on her.

Work or Labor, or Work and Labor?

Sachiko once argued with her mother about the meaning of “shigoto (meaning work, labor, job, business, etc.).” The argument started as her mother said that Japanese calligraphy she had been doing for many years was “shigoto,” while Sachiko’s father and brother saying it as her hobby. Sachiko disagreed with any of them, but could not explain why. But she understood that her mother was trying to say that "because she worked (i.e., did calligraphy), she didn't have to do labor work (i.e., household chores).” 

This occurred just after the retirement of Sachiko’s father. One of his daily tasks after retirement was morning run. He wanted her to make his breakfast ready when he came home. However, for her, his retirement was her retirement and she had no longer obligations to do household chores, including cooking meals. Father insisted that their pre-marriage tacit agreement said that he would earn money while she would do household chores and that even if he had retired and completed his obligations, she still had her own obligations under the agreement. In other words, although he had earned sufficient money for the two of them to be able to live a comfortable life until they die and by this, his obligations had been fulfilled, her contractual obligations hadn't been fulfilled yet or they would be of nature which requires continued performance until she dies. There was another reason for him to say that calligraphy was her hobby. It didn't make money or money earned (if any) from calligraphy was never spent for household expenses. The breadwinner of the household was always her father. Sachiko's mom worked as a part-time accounting staff member for a few years to financially support the household, but this experience seems to her a bad memory that should be erased. 

Sachiko knew however that calligraphy was more than a hobby to her mom. Sachiko’s father was transferred many times for business reasons. This was good for him who was promoted each time being transferred to a new workplace, it wasn't for her. Transfers or relocations for her almost every year made her always pack and unpack boxes and made her mentally sick. Calligraphy saved her from collapsing.      
So, Sachiko didn't deny the value of calligraphy, but as a company employee for more than twenty years, she also felt uncomfortable about being asked by her mother to do calligraphy related errands as if they had been more important than her work. Sachiko also disagreed with her father’s view that only an activity which produces money of over a certain amount is qualified as "shigoto" and such a view made Sachiko wonder what “shigoto” was. So, Sachiko looked up the definition of “shigoto” in Japanese and found the following definition on a certain Japanese website:

‘“Shigoto” is something which is necessary for other people and for which consideration is paid.’

The definition was not incorrect, but something was missing. Then, Sachiko remembered something in “The Human Conditions” by Hannah Arendt. According to Arendt, three activities, i.e., labor, work and action, are equally necessary to a complete human life and are defined as follows (Source: Wikipedia):

-      Labor is human activity directed at meeting biological (and perhaps other) necessities for self-preservation and the reproduction of the species.

-      Work, unlike labor, has a clearly defined beginning and end. It leaves behind a durable object, such as a tool, rather than an object for consumption.

-      The third type of activity, action (which includes both speech and action), is the means by which humans disclose themselves to others, not that action is always consciously guiding such disclosure.

Sachiko applied this Arendt’s theory to her mother’s activities as follows:
Labor     Doing household chores (and the part-time accounting work)
Work     Writing calligraphy
Action    Holding calligraphy classes

Now, Sachiko understands why her mother is so devoted to calligraphy. She wants to have a complete human life! But Sachiko still finds something wrong with her statement that “because I work, I don’t have to do household chores." It means that because she writes calligraphy and holds classes (i.e., work and action), she does not have to do household chores (i.e., labor). Although labor was performed by slaves in Greece, her mother has no slaves and so, she frequently forces Sachiko to perform labor for her to meet her own biological and other necessities as her slave and this irritated Sachiko.  

Sachiko has recovered a sense of peace because she finally solved this long-time question and will be able to say “no” when she is asked by her mom to do her “labor work” next time. Sachiko also wants to tell her father that he should do his labor work, whatever it is, as well as find something which is “work” and/or “action” so that he can live a complete life.

New or Used? 新品?それとも中古?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Sachiko’s father used to say that she should read classical books, as they had survived the test of time. Because of this, she prefers old mystery novels to new ones.

Four-Party Relationship 四角関係

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。


I am SA. (I want to use initials for names.) I have a question about my relationship with DT, my boyfriend. DT is a great guy. He is funny, handsome, well-built and sweet. The problem is that he has been seeing other women.

These women (whose initials are MJ and XP) both live in my neighborhood and were my school friends. When we were kids, XP was one of the most popular and influential students. MJ and I both always tried to look like her and competed to seek attention from XP. But overall, we were good friends. Such our relationship changed when DT started seeing me and MJ at around the same time. MJ and I resemble each other. We are average, i.e., we both are not tall, talkative, or gorgeous and among other things, we are related. But there is one thing I want to make clear. My family is the main family while MJ’s is one of many branch families. The class status of my family is higher than that of MJ’s.

What made matters worse was that he started dating XP a few years ago. XP is from a well-off family and has a lot of money to spend for DT. But I know that I'm the only one who really loves DT while MJ and XP don't, but just try to take advantage of DT because he is rich and has power in our town or for whatever reason. I know that DT only loves me, because last time, he came first to my place before going to their places. We played golf, had dinner and laughed and talked a lot. When he was with MJ, she kept complaining and speaking ill of me while XP bought a lot of stuff for him to get his attention. This is not the way someone treats the one they really love, is it? If you love somebody, you have to listen to and accept him. He may make mistakes, but no matter what happens, you have to respect his decisions and accept what he is. DT always puts himself first, but it is okay because he is DT. DT should be allowed to do anything he wants to do because of what he embodies. However, these days, I cannot help being troubled by the feeling that DT doesn't understand that I'm the one for him. What should I do? Or is what I have been doing for him wrong or insufficient?


Thank you for your inquiry. In your case, the problem is not MJ, XP or DT, but you, who have maintained such relationship. The feeling you call love for DT is not love but dependence or obsession and you have been avoiding facing up to the reality. DT has been dating three of you for various reasons, with XP for financial reasons and with you and MJ to make you jealous of each other so that he himself is not the target of anger. If I were you, I would be jealous of MJ and XP and angry toward DT and frustrated by such relationship, in particular, by the fact that I would not be able to say or ask DT anything about the relationship. Such relationship is far from being healthy or equal, but dominant/submissive.

Have you ever thought about why you are so attached to DT? Is it because he is funny, handsome or popular? Or maybe you just think that you love him because you are afraid of denying part of your life which has been dedicated to and sacrificed for him. It may be a good time for you to think about your relationship deep down and understand the real nature. Relationship based on not love but financial stability or other aspects can be healthy provided that you are aware of such nature, but otherwise your life may be ruined. I hope that you will take this as a good opportunity to rebuild your life.

Keiko’s comment: Please replace DT, SA, MJ and XP with Donald Trump, Shinzo Abe, Moon Jae-in and Xi Jinping

















DT、SA、MJ、XPを、ドナルド トランプ、安倍晋三、文在寅、習近平に置き換えてください。

Teachers' Responsibilities 教師の責任

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Sachiko teaches English. She used to work as a translator, but for some reason which was explained in "The Boiling Frog Theory," she had to quit the job she had been doing for nearly 20 years. The problem was that she didn't like to teach because of her memories about a teacher when she was a second grader.

One day, one of her classmates got sick and threw up in the class room. The classroom teacher cleaned the room quietly as if nothing had happened. As children always get sick or injured and recover, it must have been within teacher's job responsibilities. Sachiko finds no problem now, but back then, it was horrible for her. Sachiko hated and still hates to see someone throwing up. And since then, Sachiko had believed that teachers should be responsible for whatever their students did. In Japan, when students cause trouble, such as bullies, their teachers, not their parents, apologize in press conferences.

What are teachers’ responsibilities, especially, when learners are adults? Sachiko asked this herself because she teaches only grown-ups and believed that people would never do what they didn't want to do and so, it was beyond her power to persuade them to learn what they had no will to learn. 

However, her teaching experience has recently changed her. Some students earnestly want to improve their English skills, but just don't know what to do or have little or no confidence in their ability to learn. She can help them about this, i.e., she can share with them methods she has built for herself to improve her own English skills to help them build confidence in themselves. Teachers are not responsible for improving students' academic grades, but assisting them in developing their methods by sharing her experiences and skills. Sachiko has also realized that teaching requires not only creativity and imagination, but also patience and tolerance and therefore is worthwhile. 

Sachiko currently focuses on observing and knowing students to make adjustments to her methods. She now believes that teaching is learning herself.







Japanese Translation of "A Pale View of Hills" カズオ・イシグロの「遠い山並みの光」の翻訳

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I read "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro a few years ago. The book was my second Ishiguro's book after "Never Let Me Go." I enjoyed reading the book, in particular, a surprising tone change at the end of the story. The change is subtle, but I found it amazing that only a few words could completely change the view of the story. The passage was as follows:

Tora-san No. 1 - Acceptance 男はつらいよ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Keiko has been watching the movie series of "It's tough to be a man (otoko wa tsurai yo)" a lot recently. Forty eight films were released from 1969 to 1995 for this series and Mr. Torajiro Kuruma (the main character called "Tora-san") was and still is one of the most famous and beloved movie characters in Japan. Keiko watches these movies not because she likes them but she wants to know what always irritates her when watching these films.

The Boiling Frog Theory ゆでガエル理論

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

One day Keiko got a call from one of her friends, Sachiko. Sachiko has been working for a company as some kind of specialist for the last ten years. Sachiko said that she had received a letter to ask her to sign an agreement to move to another group company.

According to Sachiko, signing the agreement means a "slow death" because the group company to which she has been told to move no longer needs full time specialists and so there is no doubt that she will be pressured to leave that group company maybe not soon, but definitely in a few years. On the other hand, refusing to sign the agreement may mean a "quick death," i.e., although being able to stay at the current company, she will be under strong pressure to leave the company immediately.

Her current company is going through restructuring. The reorganization started two years ago and is expected to continue for the next 18 months, but Sachiko thought that her job was out of the scope of downsizing. She has been working hard, passed relevant exams and managed her team efficiently and effectively.

Sachiko does not want to become a part-timer. In Japan, there is no job security for part-timers and their pay is significantly lower than that for full-time regular workers doing the same job. With about 40% of the current workforce in Japan consisting of part-timers, this is a big social issue. A class action lawsuit has been filed by part-timers to demand "same pay for same work."

Also, if you are in your over 40s, finding a new job is not easy. Japanese employers prefer "naivety" to maturity, i.e., prefer those in their 20s or 30s to experienced workers.

Sachiko has to make a decision in a few days. Keiko did not know what to say, but knew that Sachiko would choose a quick death because she had revived from a similar situation almost 25 years ago.

The only thing Keiko can do for Sachiko is to listen. Keiko knows that this could happen to anyone and that Sachiko may be Keiko in ten years.








Letter to Father No.1 - Thanks Mosquito 父への手紙1-蚊

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Keiko was not married and still lived with her parents. Her father had retired and finally started to do some household chores for the first time in his life. The incident happened when they heard mosquito buzzing in their ears while folding clothes side by side without conversation.

"Dad, is it a mosquito?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Let it bite you."

Reason for Starting Blog - De-Imprinting  ブログを始めた理由-脱刷り込み

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

She doesn't remember when she started to feel uncomfortable to see her parents. As far as she remembers, it's been always like this and she might just be unaware of it because unconsciously she didn't admit that she was a “loser” according to their values. Their values are; men are superior to women; the younger and prettier women are, the more valuable they are; women should not be talkative or assertive; women must be responsible for doing household chores; people should get married and have children; family comes first; don’t marry a black or a Korean……

Rose-Gold Pussy Willow (Salix Gracilistyla) ネコヤナギ(猫柳)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've heard of the plant many times but actually saw one for the first time. This is a rose-gold pussy willow (Salix graci...