Yellow Cherry Blossoms (Cerasus Sato-Zakura Group 'Gioiko' Koidz) 黄色の桜「御衣黄」


I enjoy cherry blossoms every year, in particular these yellow blossoms, Gioko. They're very beautiful but don't attract much attention because of Oshima cherry blossoms nearby. It's understandable that pink cherry blossoms stand out more than yellow ones. Every time I photograph them, however, people first look at me, wondering what I'm doing and then notice this tree is also a cherry tree with yellow flowers. Then, I proudly say that this is Gioko cherry, producing yellow blossoms😉. 

Yellow cherry (Cerasus Sato-zakura group 'Gioiko' Koidz) 黄色の桜「御衣黄」

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