Never Underestimate "等 (Tou)"! 「等」の訳し方

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

A Japanese man asked me what the translation of the following term is:

指名委員会等設置会社 shimei iinkai tou settichi gaisha

I told him that, in order to translate it, I needed to look up and understand the meaning of this term. He looked puzzled. He seemed to have thought that the translation should be "a company with nominating committee, etc.," and came to me only to confirm that his translation was correct.

Today's topic is "等 (tou)," which means “etc.,” or “and others. ” Many legal terms include "tou" to avoid specifically explaining something." So, translators have to be very careful about this term.

In this case, as I said to the man, I first needed to find the definition of "指名委員会等設置会社" and translated the definition into English as follows:

A company with audit, nomination and compensation committees (revised on September 22, 2023)

Yes. "指名委員会" of "指名委員会等設置会社" means 指名委員会 (a nomination committee) and two other committees, "監査委員会 (an audit committee)" and "報酬委員会 (a compensation committee)."

Generally, English translation is 1.5 to 2 times longer than the original Japanese sentence. This is often because of the hidden "power" of "等 (tou)." "等" is a single Chinese character, but never, ever underestimate the power of 等 (tou)!

Another such powerful word is 特定 (tokutei), meaning certain or specified. I will write about it in another post.



nomination + committee + etc.+ with + company  で順番変えて
a company with a nomination committee, etc.



ちなみに日本語が主語を省くことは皆さんご存知だと思いますが、そのせいで折角のオチが台無しになってしまっている。。。(と私が思っている)のはカズオ=イシグロ氏の「A Pale View of Hills」です。英語で読むほうが楽しさ倍増なので、英語で読める方は先ずは英語で読まれることを強くお勧めします。詳しくはこちらをお読みください。(ネタバレ注意⁉)

4 件のコメント:

  1. 参考になりました。

    1. 励みになるコメントありがとうございます。全く同感です。日英の場合、英語の長さが日本語の1.5~2倍になってしまうのも頷けますね。お互い頑張りましょう😊

  2. Thanks for this. It is a term that definitely needs a standardized translation. I might use "a company with nomination, compensation and auditing committees" to reduce the length and maintain the primacy of "nomination".

    1. Thank you for your comment. I often translate documents including law provisions, which always makes me think about how to translate "等" and "特定." I like your shorter version of translation. The simpler (or shorter), the better. Again, thank you!!


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