How About A Walk in Tokyo with River View? 夜散歩で屋形船とクレーン

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I often enjoy a one-hour walk after having soba noodle dinner (not only soba, but also tempura and sake) at my favorite, but not fancy Japanese restaurant in the central Tokyo. On my way home from the restaurant, I have to go across three bridges, which are all over the Sumida River, and that day, the contrast between the darkness and the light was so beautiful, so I took several pictures. The boat in the photo below is yakatabune, a traditional Japanese boat, going down the river.

From Tsukuda Ohashi bridge
Traditional boat going down Sumida River

Recently not only people but also boats are becoming diverse in Japan ranging from traditional house boats to more modern futuristic ones, such as the boats in the pictures below. These are "Himiko," "Hotaluna" or "Emeraldas," designed by Leiji Matsumoto. Matsumoto is one of the most renowned Japanese cartoonists for, among others, "Star Blazers" and "Capital Harlock."

A futuristic boat of Himiko, Hotaluna or Emeraldas

 A futuristic boat of Himiko, Hotaluna or Emeraldas

Such dazzling color contrast is provided by not only night boats, but also the crane illumination at Toyosu Lalaport, which changes its color every 30 seconds. A futuristic boat of Himiko, Hotaluna or Emeraldas

Color changes from purple

... to red

... to green

.... to blue

You can enjoy this one-hour walk by:
- getting off at Tsukiji Station (Hibiya Line) or Shintomicho Station (Yurakucho Line) and;

This is a walk along the Yurakucho Line from Shintomicho Station to Toyosu Station. So if you are tired, you can take the subway in the middle, i.e., Tsukishima Station, to go back to the central Tokyo.

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2 件のコメント:

  1. 東京の夜景は本当に綺麗ですね。夜散歩が楽しめるのも都会ならではかも。特に今の季節はあちこちでイルミネーションが輝いてどこを切り取っても美しいですね。

    1. rieo さん、コメントありがとうございます。いいアイデアですね! どこでもドアがあれば私も今、故宮博物館に行きたいです。
      うちの周りは「切り取れば」綺麗なところがたくさんあるのですが、実際は工事が多くてビニールシートだらけです。橋からの写真もビニールシートが映り込まないようにするのに必死でした(笑)。オリンピック終わったらどうなるんでしょうね。ホテルやマンション余るんでしょうか。。。 不思議な気持ちで建設中の建物を見ています。余った家や部屋を無料支給してくれるのであれば大歓迎なんですけどね(笑)!!


Pomegranate - Dried Up but Still Beautiful 干からびた柘榴(ザクロ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...