Proposal for Japan's "Work Style Reform" 働き方改革への提言

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

December 23 will no longer be a national holiday from 2019 in Japan because the date is no longer the emperor's birthday. Upon Naruhito's enthronement, the emperor's birthday is February 23.

So, here is my proposal to promote Japan's so-called "work style reform"; Why don't we make the birthdays of all the emperors (as well as empresses) so far national holidays?😜

According to the Imperial Household Agency, the current emperor Naruhito is 126th emperor, so if other emperors' (as well as empresses') birthdays (but the Showa Emperor's one as his birthday is public holiday as "Greenery Day") are all made national holidays,* work days in Japan would be reduced to about half, 120 days!

365 days
- 104 Saturdays/Sundays
- Current 16 national holidays
- 125 new holidays (126 birthdays - Showa Emperor's birthday)
= 120 days

* I assumed the following:
- None of the emperors' and empresses' birthdays overlap.
- If any of their birthdays falls on Saturday or Sunday, the following day is holiday as is the current case.

I'm now preparing a letter to Prime Minister Abe saying that if he wants to be remembered as a good prime minister, he has to do something compensating for every terrible thing he's done so far. Halving from about 240 work days to 120 will definitely make him the best leader around the world😆! Oh, I forgot to mention something; 120 work days for the same salary!!

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年末に食事会を開くので祝日をチェックしていたら、何と2019年から12月23日は祝日ではなくなると知りました。な~~に~~!! そして思いつきました。「そうだ!歴代天皇誕生日を全て祝日にすれば働き方改革大成功ではないか」と。。。


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