Kalmia Latifolia (Mountain Laurel) 亜米利加石楠花(アメリカシャクナゲ、カルミア)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are pink and white (2nd) Kalmia latifolia, commonly called mountain laurel. The flowers look like parasols and the buds (3rd and 4th photos) like konpeito, i.e., tiny star-shaped Japanese sugar candies, which are Pokémon Nebby's favorite food😜! 

Konpeito was imported from Portugal to Japan in the 16th century together with the name "confeito" in Portuguese, meaning sugar candy. If you haven't seen the candy, click here (Wikipedia). See? The buds of mountain laurel look exactly like konpeito, don't they?

Kalmia latifolia カルミア

Mountain laurel アメリカシャクナゲ

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