Chlorophyllum Molybdites (False Parasol or Vomiter😱) 大白唐傘茸(オオシロカラカサタケ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I was so lucky! I found these mushrooms during a morning walk. What am I going to make for dinner? Mushroom omelet, pasta or miso soup😁?   

I was thinking or hoping something like that when finding these mushrooms, which were 10 cm in diameter, appearing out of the blue after the rain. Of course, I didn't pick, just taking pictures of them. I thought that they might be edible, but had no courage(?) to try them.  

And I was right. They're chlorophyllum molybdites or more commonly known as false parasol or vomiter, which are poisonous, causing literally vomiting and diarrhea! Wow😱 One good thing about these mushrooms is that just touching them causes no harm. Phew! I touched them while taking these photos.... 
Chlorophyllum molybdites 大白唐傘茸

False parasol オオシロカラカサタケ

Vomiter 食べると吐きます(vomit)

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近所に突然出現した大白唐傘茸(オオシロカラカサタケ)です。ググったらなんと毒キノコ。英語では「vomiter」とも呼ばれ、食べると文字通り vomit(吐く)そうです😱。写真撮るときに少し触れてしまったのですが、触るだけなら問題ないそうです。よかった~。

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