Quercus Myrsinifolia (Bamboo-Leaf Oak) 白樫(シラカシ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the acorns are quercus myrsinifolia or more commonly known as bamboo-leaf oak. They're 1 cm in diameter, looking like tiny spinning tops! 

In Japan, children spun tops especially during the New Year's holiday. The lyrics of "New Year's day," i.e., a Japanese nursery rhyme, also include "Children spin tops during the New Year's holiday♬," so I assumed that tops were Japanese toys. I was surprised that they originated all over the world independently (Source: Wikipedia).    

Acorns are all called "donguri" in Japan regardless of the tree type, so bamboo-leaf oak acorns and lithocarpus edulis or Japanese stone oak acorns are both called "donguri" in Japan. According to images on the internet, bamboo-leaf oak acorns will be longer to ultimately look like Japanese stone oak acorns. I look forward to seeing their growth.  

Acorns of quercus myrsinifolia 白樫の実

Acorns of bamboo-leaf oak シラカシのドングリ

Tiny! ちっちゃい!

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