Red/White Spider Lilies 赤と白の彼岸花

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They're really like spiders! These are lycoris radiata and lycoris albiflora or more commonly known as red and white spider lilies. They're so beautiful, so elegant and like spiders, reminding me of the real spider I saw two weeks ago hiding on a web

Spider lilies tell Japanese people the arrival of autumn. The Japanese name means "the flower of autumnal equinoctial week." And something related to autumn, not only spider lilies but a cirrocumulus mackerel sky, always makes me feel lonely. I don't know why. Maybe that's because of what's missing in me or that's just what I am? I need to find out...   

Lycoris radiata or red spider lily 彼岸花

Lycoris albiflora or white spider lily 白い曼珠沙華

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赤と白の彼岸花です。英語では「spider lily(蜘蛛のユリ)」、名が体を表しています。彼岸花を見ると秋だなと思います。そして秋の気配を感じるとなぜか寂しい。。。 理由は分かりません。。。

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