Quercus Myrsinifolia (Bamboo-Leaf Oak) Are Growing! 白樫(シラカシ)の実が成長しています!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Compare the acorns in the 1st and 2nd photos! See? They've got longer! 

These are the acorns of quercus myrsinifolia or more commonly known as bamboo-leaf oak. They both look like tiny spinning tops, but the acorns in the 2nd photo (early September) were chubbier, i.e., the length was shorter than the diameter, while in late September (1st photo) they're a little skinnier. It's like a chubby baby growing up to be a skinnier toddler, then like my husband! 

My husband was very chubby but grew up to be very skinny. So far so good, but after that, he'd gained weight and was officially diagnosed as being "fat😆." Back then, he was eating potato chips, ice cream, and chocolates every night after dinner😂. Now, however, thanks to the great effort of his lovely wife (who's me😁), he's lost not only weight but love handles👍! 

He'll have a medical check-up in a week, the first check-up after getting back to normal weight. He's been nervous for the last week. He knows he needs to change or will be FORCED😱 to change his diet depending on the checkup result...    

The bamboo-leaf oak acorns are still matcha green, but will be brown ultimately. I'm already looking forward to seeing them!    

 Quercus myrsinifolia in mid-September 9月半ばの白樫の実

Early September 9月上旬

Bamboo-leaf oak acorns in mid-September 9月半ば

Mid-September 9月半ば

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