Cerasus Subhirtella (Miq.) or Winter Cherry 冬桜(十月桜)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

You must be thinking that these're pictures of cherry blossoms in the spring evening😁 Wrong! These're the blossoms of cerasus subhirtella (miq.) in the early morning yesterday, i.e., on September 27! Yes, the cherry trees produce blossoms in autumn, winter and spring, and that's why they're called winter cherry or October cherry.

I saw these October cherry trees blooming last time this April, and since then I've been observing the trees, wondering when I can see their blossoms again. And here they are!! Their season has come!! 

Winter cherry 冬桜

Cerasus subhirtella (miq.) 十月桜

October cherry 十月桜

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春の夕方に咲く桜に見えました?ブッブー。。。 昨日(9月27日)早朝ウォーキング中に見かけた十月桜(冬桜)です。去年の10月に開花し、今年4月に枯れたのを見届けてから半年、開花を楽しみにしていたのですがついに咲き始めました!

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