Fruit of Cornus Kousa (Kousa Dogwood) 山法師(ヤマボウシ)の実

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This tiny red bumpy ball of 1 or 2 cm in diameter is the fruit of cornus kousa or more commonly kousa dogwood. I'd watched it for nearly a month, looking forward to seeing other green fruits turn red. But before that, I found this only red fruit gone the day after taking the first photo. And that reminded me of a funny tragedy😆 a long time ago. 

My mom grew a cactus in the garden of our house. She took good care of it, looking forward to seeing it have small red flowers. One day she found a bud. She was excited, but a few days later she found it gone. She was sad but on the following day, she found another bud. Again she was excited, but finding it gone again on the following day. Such mysterious disappearances happened several times. We talked about it but didn't find any reasonable answers. 

One day, we saw our neighbors, a little sister Hana, who was 3 or 4 years old, and her baby brother Taro, who was still in a diaper, playing together in their garden next to ours. Then, we were astonished to see Taro toddling across the garden and coming straight to the cactus, carefully observing it and picking the buds!! We exchanged glances, bursting into laughter😄 The mystery solved. We put the cactus pod on a high shelf.  

Cornus kousa fruit 山法師の実

Kousa dogwood fruit in mid-August 8月半ばのヤマボウシの実

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