A Baby Conifer Cone 赤ちゃん松かさ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I wrote about green female conifer cones in August, and I thought at that time I learned everything about the cones, but I was wrong. Now I've learned that the pine tree produces male and female flowers (or strobili) and that the female flowers turn cones like the green ones I saw in August (or in the 3rd photo). In other words, all pine cones are female!   

So, you're looking at the growing process of pine cones from a newborn baby girl cone (1st photo), to cones like toddlers (2nd photo), then green young cones (3rd photo)!      

A newborn baby girl flower (or strobilus) 生まれたての雌花

One or two year old cones 去年生まれた松かさ

A several year old cones お姉さん松かさ

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松って難しいです。雄花と雌花があって、雌花が松かさ(球果)になるらしいのですが、英語では「松に花は咲かない(The pine tree does not produce flowers)」とあって、松の花は「strobilus」と言うそうです。いずれにしても、1枚目が生まれたての赤ちゃん松かさ(つまり雌花)、2枚目が1~2歳、3枚目が若い松かさらしいということが分かりました😊

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