Clematis Terniflora (Sweet Autumn Clematis) 仙人草(センニンソウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the flowers of clematis terniflora or more commonly known as sweet autumn clematis. The thin white petals with long stamens and a cricket are so beautiful and cute! I first mistook the flowers for white gaura because white gaura flowers were shaking in the wind nearby, and both are white and have long stamens, but the petal shapes are different. 

Sweet autumn clematis has several Japanese names, including "hermit plant" and "plant that horses don't eat." The name "hermit plant" was given because its achene is fluffy, looking like a hermit's beard while the name "plant that horses don't eat" because of its toxicity. 

Clematis terniflora with a cricket 仙人草と興梠

Sweet autumn clematis センニンソウ

Sweet autumn clematis センニンソウ

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仙人草です。最初ガウラかと思ったのですが、花の形や咲き方がどうも違う。。。 ググったら仙人草だと分かりました。有毒で牛も馬も食べないので「馬食わず」ともいうそうです。

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