Commelina Communis (Asiatic Dayflower) 露草(ツユクサ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is commelina communis or more commonly known as the Asiatic dayflower. The blue petals with yellow staminodes and white stamens against the green leaves are so pretty!!

The plant is unique in several ways. The flower looks like a mantis. The yellow part under the blue petals is staminodes, i.e., sterile stamens, which don't produce pollen, but attract bugs because of the resemblance to pollen. And real stamens are something looking like white mustache under the staminodes. And last but not least, the spathe (2nd photo), which contains a green capsule, is like a baby in a crib! 

The plant is so tiny but so complicated! The plant taught me the importance of taking a closer look at things.   

Commelina communis 露草

A capsule in a spathe 苞の中には蒴果
Asiatic dayflower ツユクサ

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