Viburnum Berries? ガマズミ属の実?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I searched for the name of these red berries for a week in vain. I almost gave up writing about them, but they're so unique, i.e., some are shaped like a rugby ball while others soccer ball shaped, that I couldn't ignore these tiny red berries.

They look like viburnum odoratissimum or sweet viburnum, but are different in terms of their facing direction, i.e., these unidentified berries are upward facing while sweet viburnum berries mostly downward facing. They also look like viburnum dilatatum or linden arrowwood, but are different in the leaf shape. 

But at least we can say that these red berries are in the family of viburnum, can't we?😊 

Viburnum ガマズミ属

Mostly rugby ball shaped ほとんどが楕円形

All are soccer ball shaped 全部球形

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楕円形と球形の赤い実が同じ木にたわわに実っています。何の実か1週間調べたのですが結局分かりませんでした。七竈に似てますが生え方が違います(ナナカマドは下向き)。ガマズミかなとも思ったのですが葉の形が違います。でも英語だとナナカマドは「viburnum odoratissimum」、ガマズミは「viburnum dilatatum」で両方とも「viburnum」、つまりガマズミ属。それでいいか😉 

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