Tricyrtis - Crossbreed of Japanese and Taiwanese Ones? 杜鵑草 - 日本と台湾のハーフ?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Are they Japanese or Taiwanese? That is the question. And my answer is that they're a crossbreed of tricyrtis hirta (or more commonly known as Japanese toad lilies) and tricyrtis formosana (or Taiwanese toad lilies). 

The biggest difference between Japanese and Taiwanese toad lilies is that the Japanese toad lily has flowers only at the axil (i.e., between stems) while the Taiwanese one's stem branches into several stems and each stem has a flower at the top. The toad lilies in the first three photos have flowers at the top of the stems but also between the stems, which made me wonder if they were a crossbreed of Japanese and Taiwanese toad lilies...  

The plant is called toad lily because it has spots on the petals looking like a toad's skin, but that's different from how Japanese people see toad lilies. In Japan, they're called "lesser cuckoo" because, to Japanese people, the spots seem like the chest plumage of the small bird.

Japanese (tricyrtis hirta) or Taiwanese (tricyrtis formosana)?

Flowers both at the top of stems and at the axil 葉腋と茎の先端の両方に花

Flowers between stems 茎の間から花

Taiwanese toad lilies (tricyrtis formosana) 台湾杜鵑草

Flowers only at top of stems, so they're Taiwanese 台湾ホトトギスは茎の先に花

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ホトトギスの名の由来は、斑点が鳥の胸の斑点と似ているから。英語では「toad lily(カエルユリ)」。カエルの模様に似ているからだそうです。

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