Triadica Sebifera (Chinese Tallow) 南京櫨(ナンキンハゼ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

In July, bright green leaves, flowers and fruits were so beautiful (last two photos), while now in mid-October, three-lobed white seeds covered in dark brown skin are so cute! They're triadica sebifera or more commonly known as Chinese tallow. The white seeds look innocent, but their inner oil is toxic, causing skin rash when touched and vomiting and diarrhea if eaten.  

10/18 Triadica sebifera fruits and seeds 南京櫨の実と種

10/18 Chinese tallow fruits and seeds ナンキンハゼの実と種

10/16 Triadica sebifera seeds 南京櫨の種子

10/16 Chinese tallow fruits ナンキンハゼの実
7/20 Bright green 明るい緑

7/20 Chinese tallow flowers ナンキンハゼの花

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