Snail & Canada Goldenrod カタツムリと背高泡立草(セイタカアワダチソウ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

You may dislike snails, but I couldn't throw away pictures of such a tiny snail surrounded by beautiful yellow Canada goldenrod flowers, which are also disliked by many Japanese people because of its invasiveness and the false allegation that it causes allergy due to its resemblance to annual ragweed, which is a cause of allergy.

But snails are not that bad. For example, edible ones are served as Escargot à la Bourguignonne, and in Japan, non-edible snails are the theme of a song for children. Likewise, the stems of Canada goldenrod are used to make blinds and tea in Japan. 

Oh, you still can't like snails or Canada goldenrod? That's okay. I dislike someone forcing me to like something I can't like!😁

Surrounded by Canada goldenrod 背高泡立草に囲まれて

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