Ilex Rotunda (Kurogane Holly) 黒鉄黐(クロガネモチ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They're so red, aren't they? These are the berries of ilex rotunda or commonly called the Kurogane holly. I've been seeing these berries changing from green to orange and red for the last one and a half months. Enjoy the color change from the 8/28 to 9/23, then 10/15!

Kurogane holly is known to bring luck because its Japanese name "Kuroganemochi" is pronounced similarly to "Kuro ga nai kanemochi," which means "a rich person with no hardship"😊

10/15 Ilex rotunda 黒鉄黐

9/23 Kurogane holly クロガネモチ


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