Red & White Marble Colored Hibiscus Mutabilis (Confederate Rose) 源平咲きの酔芙蓉

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They're hibiscus mutabilis or more commonly known as Confederate rose. I pass by the tree almost everyday but didn't notice until yesterday that the tree had white, red and marble-colored flowers like these. They were about to die. I wished I had noticed them earlier....

I've seen peach, Japanese apricot, and lespedeza having white, pink/red, and marble-colored flowers on the same tree, but didn't expect the same for hibiscuses. 

So, the question is why red and white color flowers are on the same tree? I googled when seeing a Japanese apricot tree with two colored flowers for the first time and learned that scientifically, there's no white flower trees, but the red flower trees have white flowers when they cannot produce enough anthocyanins to make flowers red. The same thing may have happened to this hibiscus tree. 

If you want to see peach, Japanese apricot, or lespedeza having white, pink/red or marble-colored flowers on the same tree, read the following posts: 

Lespedeza Japonica Bailey cv. Versicolor (Variegated Bush Clover)

Hibiscus mutabilis 酔芙蓉

Confederate rose with white and red flowers 源平咲き酔芙蓉

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