Camellia Japonica/Sasanqua Seeds Look Like Chocolates😋 椿と山茶花の種はチョコみたい😋

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are camellia japonica and camellia sasanqua seeds. In August, I enjoyed glossy red camellia japonica fruits and hairy camellia sasanqua fruits, and at that time I didn't expect these fruits to crack, showing such beautiful seeds like dark chocolate (i.e., camellia JAPONICA) and macadamia nut chocolate (camellia SASANQUA)😋!  

Camellia seeds can produce oil (i.e., tea seed oil) used for skin and hair in Japan. The oil has been used for so long that The Shoku Nihongi, i.e., an imperially-commissioned Japanese history text, says that Japan gave the oil to an ambassador from Balhae, a multi-ethnic kingdom in Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula and the Russian Far East, in 777. Wow!

Camellia japonica and sasanqua are both the prefectural/city/town flower of many prefectures and municipalities in Japan, and camellia japonica is surprisingly the Alabama state flower😲

Camellia JAPONICA seed looks like dark chocolate 椿の種はダークチョコ

Camellia SASANQUA seed is like macadamia nut chocolate 山茶花の種はマカダミアチョコ?

Camellia JAPONICA fruit and seed ツバキの実と種

Camellia SASANQUA fruit and seed サザンカの実と種

Camellia JAPONICA seed ツバキの種

Camellia SASANQUA seed サザンカの種

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