Polyporaceae 猿の腰掛(サルノコシカケ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This looks like a pancake, but it's not. This is polyporaceae on a cherry tree, a mushroom called "a stool for monkeys🐒" in Japan.  

I read about birch polypore on @zaungruen's Instagram post several days ago, in which Zaungruen said that he/she has birch polypore tea for colds. As a person taking Chinese herbal medicine to deal with dyspepsia (which is very effective for me), I'm very interested in polyporaceae's efficacy, and learned that in Japan, the mushroom is said to lower blood pressure and boost the immune system, while it's also said to decay and even kill trees by absorbing nutrients from them! A person can be good and bad at the same time. A mushroom can also be good and bad at the same time.          

Polyporaceae 猿の腰掛

It's not a pancake パンケーキではない!

It's called "a stool for monkeys" in Japan

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桜の木に生えていた猿の腰掛です。先日インスタで@zaungruenさんがカンバタケ(birch polypore)について書いていて、風邪をひかないようにカンバタケ茶を飲んでいるとあったので、猿の腰掛についても調べてみたら、血圧を下げたり、免疫を上げる効能はあるようですが、木の養分を吸い取って枯らしてしまうこともあるようです。ムムム、一長一短です。

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