Fatsia Japonica (Glossy-Leaf Paper Plant) 八つ手(ヤツデ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the flowers of fatsia japonica or more commonly known as glossy-leaf paper plant or just paperplant. Clusters of tiny white flowers with cream yellow centers with an ant on it were so pretty😊

Paperplants grow across Japan. I've seen them in many places and haven't cared about the plant at all, but these cute flowers have changed my perception of the plant.

Its Japanese name means "eight hands" after its eight (or nine?) leaf lobes looking like eight fingers. The English name "fatsi" also means the Japanese word for "eight (hachi)." The plant is also called "tengu's fan" in Japan. Tengu is a type of legendary creature in Japanese folklore and is considered a mischievous supernatural being.

Paperplants signify discretion, familiarity and health. I usually don't agree with the language of flowers, but these three words well describe the plant.
Fatsia japonica tiny flowers with an ant 八つ手と蟻

Paperplant ヤツデ

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英語の学名は「fatsia japonica」で「fatsia」は「八(はち)」に由来するそうです。花言葉は「分別」、「親しみ」、「健康」。ピッタリだと思いませんか。

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