Netsuke "Yagyo-san (Ogre)" 根付「夜行さん」

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This 3 cm tall sculpture is netsuke "Yagyo-san" on show at Tokyo National Museum. It was made from boxwood, tagua nut and coral by Yoji Yamada.

Yagyo-san is an ogre or demon in Japanese folklore. They wander on the back of a headless horse at night on certain days (e.g., New Year's Eve and the day before the beginning of spring in the old Japanese calendar), throwing people who happen to see him. But to me, he just looks like a primitive man with a long beard!! And so cute!! 

A netsuke is a small carved ornament, especially of ivory or wood, worn as part of Japanese traditional dress as a toggle by which an article may be attached to the sash of a kimono (Source: Lexico). If you love netsuke, see this list to see dozens of 40 netsuke items!

Netsuke "Yagyo-san" by Yoji Yamada 「夜行さん」山田洋治

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大晦日や節分などの日の夜、首のない馬の妖怪に乗って徘徊する鬼で、ばったり会うと投げ飛ばされちゃうそうです。でも私には髭の伸びた原始人(?)にしか見えない。。。 しかもカワイイ!


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