Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa) 熊蜂(クマバチ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a carpenter bee (Xylocopa) having breakfast on sponge gourd flowers. I've been seeing the bee for the last couple of months and wanting to photograph them but they move from one flower to another so quickly that they flee before the camera focuses on them, so I decided to take @zaungruen method, i.e., focusing the camera on a flower and waiting for the subject to come and it worked😀!!!  

Carpenter bees are large, i.e., 2 to 3 cm, flying so quickly, so I assumed that they're aggressive but they're relatively gentle. I love the giant bees😄

Carpenter  bee 熊蜂

Carpenter bee クマバチ

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クマバチです。何度も見たことがあったのですが、花から花へと素早く動くのでいつもピンボケ。そこで方針変更!@zaungruen 方式でいく、つまり、花の前でハチが来るのを待つことにしたら大成功!


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