Female Watermelon Flowers and Common Straight Swift スイカ(西瓜)と一文字セセリ


I'm very happy I was wrong😆. Today, I found a couple of female flowers and baby watermelons🍉!! A few days ago, I found watermelon flowers but at that time only the male ones. I had hope however that I might be able to see the female ones, so kept observing them and voila!! This morning, I found a few female flowers plus a common straight swift (Parnara guttata) on one of them 𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅯 (3rd photo)!

As you see, the watermelon is dioecious, i.e., male and female flowers growing on a single plant (2nd photo). And unlike bitter gourds, which are also in the gourd family as watermelons are, it's very difficult to tell the male from the female only based on their appearances without looking at the back of the flowers where a fruit grows. Bitter gourd female flowers have yellow green centers (whereas a watermelon has a yellow center; see the 4th photo). From today on, I'll keep watching the growth of these baby watermelons!!! 

A watermelon female flower スイカの雌花

A female (left) and a male flowers 雌花(左)と雄花

A common straight swift on a male flower 雄花の上に一文字セセリ到来

A female watermelon flower スイカの雌花は花芯が黄色

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間違ってたけどうれしいのです♬ 雌花見つけました!数日前に西瓜の花を発見したのですがその時は雄花だけ。でも観察し続けていた甲斐がありました。今朝、数個の雌花と赤ちゃん西瓜を発見!しかもイチモンジセセリが止まってました(3枚目)。


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