American Black Nightshade (Solanum Americanum) カンザシイヌホオズキ(簪犬酸漿)


Revised on 29 August 2024
I initially published this post a couple of days ago and since then something's been bothering me. These fruits grow upward while the fruits on the black nightshades I saw other times all grew downward. That made me wonder if these are really black nightshade. I did research and learned they were black nightshade, but the American one, i.e., American black nightshade (Solanum americanum).  

Its Japanese name is kanzashi black nightshade after the fruits being shaped like "kanzashi," i.e., hair ornaments like barrettes used in traditional Japanese hairstyles. 

Initially published on 27 August
I've seen flowers and fruits of black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) many times but didn't remember the fruits were translucent (2nd and 3rd photos). The green ones are like jade, aren't they? 

American black nightshade (Solanum americanum) カンザシイヌホオズキ

The fruits grow upward 実が上向き

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8月27日 最初にアップした日

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