Simultaneous Interpreting, Skiing and Yakuza 同時通訳とスキーと褒め殺し

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

A couple of weeks ago, I interpreted for the first time in a while. I used to do that every day, but not anymore. One of the directors, who's joined the company just recently, doesn't speak Japanese at all and needed someone translating through a two-hour internal meeting simultaneously, so I interpreted for him using a technique called "whispering," a form of simultaneous interpreting.

I always think that whispered interpreting is like skiing. While interpreting, I only focus on the present moment, listening to what is being said. I don't think about anything else, just going with the flow. It's like I lean forward and look ahead at where I'm going, just feeling the cold wind on my face while skiing.

The difference is of course that, in interpreting, someone is waiting for me to interpret, so I have to interpret what is said and, by making educated guesses based on pre-existing knowledge, even what's unsaid because Japanese are generally and sometimes intentionally inarticulate, leaving listeners to surmise their thoughts. The ability to make educated guesses is the key to successful interpreting, in particular, simultaneous interpreting from Japanese to English.

Let me give you an easy example. What would you say if you were told that someone is a good politician? You may believe that. But what if you were told that by yakuza? It happened in Japan in the 1980s. A group of yakuza tried to ruin the political career of a key politician "by praising him," more specifically, shouting their support for him on the street. This strategy, insinuating that they had a close tie with him while avoiding being accused of defamation (because they just said he was good), was successful. Who would vote for someone supported by yakuza? This is called "home goroshi (literally, killing someone by praising)."

The thing is that this happens on a smaller scale during internal business meetings in Japan. If someone says only good things about something, but doesn't say anything else (e.g., if he agrees with it or not), that's home goroshi and it's hundred to one that he disagrees....

That's why understanding the background and position of each speaker beforehand is so important for interpreters. I had to read many documents before the meeting and interpreted for two hours without a break. I was so tired. But surprisingly, it was refreshing, too. Why? Because, it requires full concentration, allowing me to be "mu," i.e., immerse myself in the present. And you know what? It reduces loneliness.....

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ですから準備が大変! だからもうやりたくない。それに何より、通訳って毎日やってないとダメなんです。今の私にはもう無理なんです。でも「それでもいい、ないよりいい」と言われると断れない。サラリーマンの悲哀です。そしてやった後はメタメタな出来に自己嫌悪。。。でもあら不思議。通訳の後って束の間、孤独感が消えます。夢中で訳していると「無」になるからでしょうか。スキーで「風だけを感じる」ってやつです!


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2 件のコメント:

  1. 翻訳だけでなく同時通訳まで、素晴らしいですね!

    1. rieo さん。コメントありがとうございます。いいえ、もう本当にできないんです。おっしゃる通り通訳はアスリートなんです。でも説明してもなかなか分かっていただけない。。。本職の方がご覧になったらええっと目をむくことでしょう(泣)。
      死ぬほど暑い毎日です。rieo さんもどうぞお体に気を付けてお過ごしください_(_^_)_


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