What We See in Fireworks - A Sensitivity To Ephemera 打上花火派?線香花火派?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Tokyo on July 20, 2019

We were walking home when seeing a firework rising between skyscrapers. I googled it and learned that a fireworks event was being held nearby! The festival using state-of-the-art technologies was the third one in Tokyo and had been held in Singapore in 2018.

I couldn't see any use of such technologies, but enjoyed the sound and color of these beautiful flowers against a pitch-black sky.

They were gorgeous, but ephemeral, making me remember a Japanese term, "物の哀れ (mono no aware)" or "a sensitivity to ephemera." 

Local governments used to organize fireworks festivals in summer across Japan and the residents could enjoy them near the venue for free. But recently, municipalities have announced one after another to give up holding such events because of financial difficulties. This high-tech event replaced one such event and ticket prices have soared to as much as JPY120,000 (USD1,200)!!! 

I enjoyed these fireworks, but also like more fragile senko hanabi or incense sparklers. Which do you like better?


調べたら、未来型花火エンターテインメント「STAR ISLAND(スターアイランド) 2019」でした。今年が3回目の、ハイテク技術を駆使した花火大会で、2018年にはシンガポールでも開催されたとのこと。全然知りませんでした。花火もグローバル化なんですね。


2 件のコメント:

  1. 打ち上げ花火と線香花火も含めた手持ち花火、それぞれの良さがあって両方好きです!

    1. 子供の頃は花火なんてどこでも見かけた気がするのですが、そうなんですね、今は禁止されている場所もあるのですね。世の中いろいろ変わっていってます。そのせいか(それとも単にマイペースな性格のせいか(へへ))、最近はより自分に素直に生きられるようになった気がします。ただに図々しくなっただけかもしれませんが(苦笑)。。。rieoさん、いつもながら深いコメントありがとうございました!


Pomegranate - Dried Up but Still Beautiful 干からびた柘榴(ザクロ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...