My Exes - Victory Underwear Guy, Etc. 勝負パンツの男たち

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I started dating three men almost at the same time in my 30s.  

The first guy taught physics at a university after obtaining a PhD and was going to the US for further study. I and he had gone to the same university, so the first date was at a coffee shop in the university.

He was bright and nice and, as you may imagine, talked almost only about space and elementary particles, which I didn't understand at all. He was aware of it and asked me to educate him about non-physics stuff, such as George Clooney, of whom he'd never heard. 

The second guy is about six feet, very tall for a Japanese man. As he was working at a branch office in southern Japan of a big Japanese steel company, the first date was in Tokyo where I live, but after that, he called me every other night.

He was curious about everything, but in particular women and one day asked me about how women decide whether or not to wear "victory underwear (i.e., fancy or frilly underwear worn on a serious date)." I was so naive and younger that I couldn't say, "Are you nuts!?"

The third guy was a coworker of mine, referred to by another coworker. The first date was at a restaurant near the company with the matchmaking coworker.

The matchmaker broke the ice by saying, "Doesn't he resemble Richard Gere?" The third guy's father is American and mother Japanese. Before I opened my mouth, the Gere guy said, "Iie, boku wa sekando gia desu (Nope, I'm Second Gear)." He must have been possessed and kept telling dad jokes.

I'd dated more than dozen of men referred to by a matchmaking agency, my parents, friends, and coworkers and was tired. So, I decided to marry one of the three. Guess whom I chose?

The dad joke guy. I thought it more bearable to hear "Second Gere" telling crappy jokes than to teach someone about Hollywood gossip or how to treat women, but recently I've been regretting the decision...






2 件のコメント:

  1. やっぱりこの話面白い!また笑っちゃいました(≧∇≦)

    1. rieoさん、こんにちは。コメントありがとうございます。最近物忘れが激しく、忘れないうちに書き留めておこう思い、書きました。それと、夫婦って似てくるのは顔形だけではないようです。最近は、気付いたら私が「親父(?)ギャグ」を言うようになってきていて、節度の大切さを身にしみて感じる今日この頃です(笑)。いつも、rieoさんのインスタに癒されています。ありがとうございます。蒸し暑い日が続いています。お体に気を付けてお過ごしください!


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