Japanese Saying: "My Butt is Ticklish!" 今日の英単語: Utility Player

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Am I a utility player? My mentor, who is American, said I am. I didn't know what it meant so googled it, finding that "a utility player is one who can play several positions competently." Can I? As a modest Japanese person, no.... My butt got ticklish... Of course, it wasn't ticklish literally, but figuratively it was. His praise made me feel at unease...

"(Someone's) butt is ticklish (shiri ga kosobayui [尻がこそばゆい])" means that "(they) feel at unease because they feel overpraised." This is how a Japanese mindset usually works as they don't want to stick out by being praised. "Harmony" is still one of the values that drive their behaviors. But as an individual working closely with English native speakers, I should be able to confidently say, "Yes, I'm a utility player. I can do anything!," shouldn't I?

The thing is that Japan has no such concept. Japanese see someone who can play several positions competently as a "nandemo ya," i.e., someone who can play several positions competently, but not completely..." From the Japanese perspective, I'm not a translator, interpreter, English teacher or anything. Does this sound like the well-known half empty or half full glass saying, doesn't it?

Either way, I've "decided" to go for a utility player when being with English speakers. I like this new definition of me. Of course, with Japanese people, I need to wear a cat (another Japanese saying), i.e., modestly acting a competent, but incomplete player.

What I like most about being a utility player is that it stretches myself beyond my limits, i.e., not only translating or interpreting, but also helping and even leading others through checking their writings, teaching English, coordinating Japanese and non-Japanese speakers. It's fun to feel I can change not only myself but also others!

先日、米国人の同僚と話していたら「You are a utility player.」と言われました。意味が分からないのでググってみたら「何でもできる人」とありました。「尻がこそばゆく」なりました。米国人らしい発想ですね。コップの水が半分「しか」ないのか、半分「も」入ってるのか、という話に似ています。

日本だと、全部中途半端な「何でも屋」とみられます。。。でもいいんです、「utility player」で行こうと決めました♪ 最近、翻訳、通訳、英文ライティング・チェック、日本人と外国人の仲介、英語の先生等と「何でも」やってます。楽しいです! 成長してる気が(?)します。

2 件のコメント:

  1. ユーティリティプレイヤー、オールラウンダー、便利屋…どの分野でも通用する才能ある人、憧れます!尊敬します!


    1. rieo さん、いつもコメントありがとうございます。はい、才能をたくさんいただいおかげで「何でも屋(つまりサラリーマンで~す!)」として働いております(笑)。。
      翻訳・通訳の世界ではフリーランスが一番と考える人が多いのですが、私、昔から「社内通訳・翻訳」が楽しく、それしかやったことがありません。rieo さんのおっしゃるとおり、人ってそれぞれ違うのでフリーランスではなく「社内」が好きな者がいてもいいかな。。と思っております。社内で働いていると相手の反応がもろ分かるんですね。心が折れることも多々ありますが、「日々挑戦(相田みつを?)」の精神で頑張っております(ヘヘ)。


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