Japanese Saying: "Wear a Cat" in Aye-Aye and British Guy Examples 「猫を被る」アイアイ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Aye-aye "wearing a cat"

Today, I would like to explain the meaning of "猫を被る ("neko wo kaburu") using examples of an aye-aye and a British guy. For those who've never heard of this Japanese saying, it means literally "wear a cat," but figuratively "feign innocence."

So first, look at the above picture showing a typical aye-aye in Japan. According to Wikipedia, the aye-aye is "a long-fingered lemur, a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth that perpetually grow and a special thin middle finger ....... and considered evil." But here in Japan, aye-ayes are known as cute animals because of a cheerful song for kids composed by someone who'd never seen aye-ayes. (How could this happen?) The lyrics says, "Aye-aye♪ aye-aye♪ They are monkeys♪ Aye-aye, aye-aye♪ They are monkeys in a southern island Aye-aye♪ aye-aye♪ They are monkeys with long tails♪"

Then, take a look at the picture below of an aye-aye after "taking off the cat."

Aye-aye not "wearing a cat"

Aye-ayes eat fruits, but they also eat insects using their long middle fingers. Their munching insects with eyes glaring in the dark is so gross and horrifying!! Of course this is a real aye-aye...

Here is another sad example... A former friend of mine was so quiet and gentle. He is British, teaching English and translating for a big Japanese firm for over ten years. But one day I saw him shouting, "I hate Japanese! They don't learn!!!" Sometime later, he was found to have cheated on his wife and divorced. He must have been sick of "wearing a cat" at home and work for such a long time.....




2 件のコメント:

  1. アイアイの歌の雰囲気と雲泥の差!怖い顔ですよね〜。インスタにもコメントしましたが写真を見てロード・オブ・ザ・リングのゴラムを思い出しました。

    1. rieo さん、いつもコメントありがとうございます。そうなんですよね。ゴラムも全然かわいくない。実はハリーポッターのドビーも最初ちょっと引いてました。。。でもアイアイには及びません。英国紳士もひどかったです。
      rieo さんの「猫被り!?」ぶりはインスタのお花屋さんのどこかに反映されているのでしょうか(笑)。でも結構、猫被っている部分が創作意欲をかきたてることがあるのでは。。。と思っております( ´艸`)!


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英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I have no idea about how it got there. It's a pomegranate or I should say a rotten and dried up pomegranate but it's ...