Exquisite Chinese Ornaments of Three Kingdoms 中国美術の繊細さ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Crown decorated with cicada design

I want to show you two items currently on view in the Three Kingdoms exhibition held in the Tokyo National Museum.

One is a 5cm wide 5cm tall, gold and bronze made crown in the above photo. The color is so beautiful and its cicada design, usual for Chinese bronzeware, is so exquisite.

Money tree

The other is "Money tree," a two meter high bronze made tree, decorated with more than 400 bronze coins. Despite the name, the tree has some kind of religious (not financial) significance.

Both embody delicate and exquisite beauty with many similarities to ancient Japanese ornaments.


上の写真は「蟬文冠飾」という天子や重臣の装飾具。下は「揺銭樹」で英語では「Money tree」と言いますが、宗教的な意味合いを持つ装飾具だそうです。


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