Netsuke - Japanese Lovelorn Ghost Puts a Curse Saying "Urameshiya.." うらめしや~

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

What do you think it is? It's not a field horsetail. It's a Japanese female GHOST.

Being unable to go to heaven or hell, she's back to this world to revenge herself on a guy who played with her heart and broke it, saying "Urameshiya....." to curse him to hell.

This 7cm tall sculpture is a netsuke titled "Lovelorn ghost," carved by Michael Birch from ivory and rhinoceros horn, on display at the Prince Takamado's collection of Tokyo National Museum.

Be very careful if you are considering breaking up with a Japanese woman so that you won't be cursed.... Urameshiya.......

If you are interested in this small sculpture world, read also the following posts:
Symbol of Peace? - Netsuke & Halloween
Japanese Saying: Netsuke Titled "A-Hum"!

A netsuke is a small carved ornament, especially of ivory or wood, worn as part of Japanese traditional dress as a toggle by which an article may be attached to the sash of a kimono.

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思わずクスリ。Michael Birch 作の「Lovelorn ghost」という根付です。牙彫(つまり象牙?)と犀角でできています。東京国立博物館で見つけました。「lovelorn」、愛を失った、失恋したという意味なんですね。初めて知りました。

- 平和の象徴?「根付とハロウィン」
- 根付って面白い!

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