Symbol of Peace? - Netsuke & Halloween 平和の象徴?「根付とハロウィン」

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Netsuke titled “Halloween,” carved from macadamia nut and amber

Halloween is coming! I found this netsuke titled "Halloween" at the Prince Takamado's netsuke collection of Tokyo National Museum. It's carved of macadamia nut and amber by Toun Shishido. For those who have never heard of "netsuke," a netsuke is a small carved ornament, especially of ivory or wood, worn as part of Japanese traditional dress as a toggle by which an article may be attached to the sash of a kimono.

This 3cm jack-o'-lantern made me think: what's the Japanese religion? Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, and/or anything else, or are they atheistic?

Most Japanese are "officially" Buddhists. They have family graves in temple graveyard. But they also perform Shinto rituals as well. I listed several annual Buddhism and Shinto events below.

Buddhism events:
 Hatsumode - visiting shrines at New Year
 Setsubun - throwing roasted beans to scare evil away on February 3
 Ohigan - honoring ancestors on spring and autumn equinox days
 Obon - a festival for ancestors in mid July or August
 Joya no kane - bell ringing on New Year's Eve

Shinto events:
 Hatsumode - visiting shrines at New Year
 Setsubun - throwing roasted beans to scare evil away on February 3
 Hinamatsuri - a girls' festival to pray for their health and happiness on March 3
 Tango no sekku - a boy's festival to pray for their health and happiness on May 5
 Shichi go san - a festival for children of 3 (boys/girls), 5 (boys), 7 (girls) years old on November 15

Several Buddhism/Shinto events overlap each other because Buddhism and Shinto have been merged together for a long time (except for a certain short period). But Japan has amalgamated not only them, but also Christianity. People here enjoy Christmas, Halloween and Valentine, and even hold wedding ceremonies in churches!

Are they religiously tolerant or stupid? I don't know. But when Japan forced its people to believe in one religion, i.e., Shinto, by separating it from Buddhism in the abolition of Buddhism movement (1868-), the country went to war. Does belief in a god makes the world peaceful....?

This Halloween netsuke, a product of the syncretism of traditional Japanese art and Christianity, may give us a clue to how to achieve peace...

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2 件のコメント:

  1. ジャック・オ・ランタンの根付!そういえばなんでも有りですね(≧▽≦)

    1. rieo さん、コメントありがとうございます。本当に私たちって(一緒にしてしまいすみません)宗教に無関心ですよね。先日アメリカのドラマを見ていて「無神論者」かそうでないかでものすごい議論になっていて日本との違いを改めて思いました。でももしかしたら「日本教」を知らず知らずのうちに信じているかもしれませんね。出る杭は打たれる的な(笑)。
      以前、ヒンズー教の人の話を読んだことがあります。英国で「ヒンズーの神を信じているか」しつこく聞かれたが、その(ヒンズー教の)方は「日々の生活の決まりを守っているだけであり、わざわざことさら『神』の存在を論ずることはない」と言っておられました。結局は「自分の神」を押し付けることが問題なのかもしれませんね。rieo さんのおかげでまた一歩だけですが考えを整理することができた気がします。いつも本当に深いコメントをありがとうございます。今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いします!!


Pink Japanese Stewartia (Stewartia Pseudocamellia) ピンクの夏椿(ナツツバキ)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 First I was surprised to find these camellia like flowers on the street I walk down every morning and then a common straight ...