I Found Your Name, Zao Gongen! 押出蔵王権現像

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This 15cm tall artefact is a repousse image of Deity Zao Gongen on show at Tokyo National Museum. The image was made of gilt bronze in the 10th to 12th century in Japan and found at the peak of Mt. Omine, Nara prefecture.
Repousse image of Deity Zao Gongen or kung fu Buddha 
押出蔵王権現像 又の名をカンフー仏陀(笑)

I first wrote about him nearly a year ago, but because the museum didn't have his name at that time, I named him tentatively "Kung Fu Buddha"😜 (A staff member told me that they sometimes lost the background information of artefacts!!) One year has passed since then, and each time I went to the museum during the year, I checked if his name had been found, but in vain.... So, finding him still kung-fu-ing with his name on a nearby wall label a few days ago was a wonderful surprise! 

Zao Gongen is the principal image of "shugendo," a mountain asceticism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts, unique to Japan, also known as the principal image of Kinpusenji Temple, in Yoshino, Nara. Zao Gongen represents the truth about ultimate immortality, governing everything.

So, does this cute 15cm tall Kung Fu Deity govern everything in the world? If so, please give us a cure for Covid-19😜!!

The plaque below also has the deity's image, but the impression it gives us is completely different from that Kung Fu Buddha does.....
Plaque with image of Deity Zao Gongen

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実は1年前にも書いたんです。ただその時は説明書きがなく、スタッフの人に聞いたところ「出自が分からないんです。よくあるんです。」と軽く言われてしまい、仕方なく勝手に「Kung Fu Buddha(カンフー仏陀)」と名付けました。

蔵王権現は、日本独自の山嶽仏教である修験道の本尊。奈良県吉野町の金峯山寺本堂(蔵王堂)の本尊として知られ、究極不滅の真理を体現し、あらゆるものを司る王だそうです。へーっ、こんなかわいい権現様が万物を司っている。。。 もしそうなら蔵王権現様、コロナ治療薬をください😜


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