Nandina Domestica Alba (Nandina With Cream Yellow Berries) 白実南天(シロミナンテン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These're the berries of nandina domestica alba. Nandina domestica usually produces bright red berries, but these small cream yellow berries are as pretty as the red ones, though in a different way. 

Interestingly, although these berries are cream yellow, the term "alba" means" white," and this is also true in Japan where the shrub is called shiromi nanten, meaning "white berry nandina." There're many nandina domestica shrubs with red berries, but in my neighborhood, this is the only shrub with cream yellow berries I've found so far.  

 Nandina domestica alba 黄南天

Sacred bamboo with cream yellow berries シロミナンテン

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白実南天(シロミナンテン)です。「白実」ですがクリーム色。ちなみに英語でも「nandina domestica alba」で「alba」は白という意味。白なのにクリーム色。不思議です。真赤な実もいいですがクリームもかわいいです。

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