Osmanthus Fragrans 銀木犀(ギンモクセイ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the flowers of osmanthus fragrans or more commonly known as sweet osmanthus or sweet olive. I wrote about osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus, whose flowers are pale orange in October, and at that time I didn't expect to find the white ones in the following month also in my neighborhood. 

In Japan, "osmanthus fragrans," whose flowers are white or silver, is called "SILVER osmanthus fragrans" while "osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus," which has orange or golden flowers, called "GOLDEN osmanthus fragrans." I'd seen and smelled the golden ones, but never seen the silver ones. 

So, I was too excited and busy taking pictures of these tiny flowers while smelling them to notice someone approaching me. It was just after sunrise with few people around, so I was about to scream when finding a man in black just two meters away. After staring at me for a second, the man, a security guard, went away... 

Osmanthus fragrans 銀木犀

Tiny! ちっちゃい!

Known also as sweet osmanthus ギンモクセイ

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