Chimonanthus Praecox (Wintersweet) 蝋梅(ロウバイ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are the flowers and buds of chimonanthus praecox or more commonly known as wintersweet in my neighborhood. I've been waiting for the buds to open for ten days!

I first saw wintersweet flowers this year in the Hama Rikyu Garden on January 8. Wintersweet trees there had many beautiful yellow flowers, which made me wonder why the trees in my neighborhood had only buds. Since then I'd been watching them almost everyday and finally this morning I found some buds started to bloom. 

Wintersweet trees in my neighborhood are less than one meter tall, far smaller than the trees in the Hama Rikyu Garden, and they're usually shabby through the year but during the period from late January to early February when they show passers-by beautiful waxy yellow blooms😊. 

Winter sweet is called "wax apricot/plum" in Japan because of the wax-like flowers. 

Chimonanthus praecox 蝋梅

Wintersweet ロウバイ

The tree is called "wax plum" because of the waxy flowers 蝋に似てるから蝋梅

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浜離宮の蝋梅は1メートル以上の木で近所のは腰ぐらいの高さしかありません。手入れもされてないので普段はもう全然みすぼらしい。。。 でもこの季節だけは蜜蠟に似た美しい黄色の花を咲かせます😊。

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